Dark eBooks Reader for Kindle Books

Online Tutorial and Quick Start Guide

What is Dark eBooks Reader for Kindle Books?
Dark eBooks Reader for Kindle Books is the best dark mode eBooks reader in Microsoft Store. Dark mode can benefit you in many ways, including reducing your eye strain and cutting down on blue light exposure. Give it a try today!
Dark eBooks Reader for Kindle Books supports two dark themes and a light one.
Note: this app only support un-encrypted Kindle books. If you encounter problems with Kindle eBooks, please contact us by email.
The supported eBook and document formats list
– .azw, .azw3 (un-encrypted Kindle eBook file format)
– .epub (un-encrypted EPUB)
– .mobi (Mobipocket Reader file format)
– .pdf (Portable Document Format)
– .djv, .djvu (DjVu file format)
– .xps, .oxps, .xod (Open XML Paper Specification format)
– .cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cb7 (Comic book format)
– .fb2, .fb2z, .zfb2 (FictionBook format)
– .pdb (Palm Doc format)
– .tcr (Psion Series 3 palmtop devices format)
– .chm (Microsoft Compiled HTML Help file format)
– .jpg, .png, .gif, .webp, .tiff, .tga, .j2k, .bmp, .dib (Images
– .tar, .7z, .zip, .rar (Archive file formats)
License, Third Party Software and Source Code
Dark eBooks Reader for Kindle Books is a free and open source software licensed under AGPL v3.
Dark eBooks Reader for Kindle Books uses the code of Sumatra PDF
Source code can be downloaded here.
FAQ 1 - Do I have to rate the app in order to use it?
No, it's not a have-to. The app is free for everybody to use for any purposes. Although we encourage users to give us a fair review and rating on Windows Store, you can always skip the window by clicking the "Skip" button at the left bottom corner. Furthermore, you can check the checkbox "Don't show this again" if you are sure about it, as displayed below.
